Guide to Undergraduate Practicum

Steps and Timeline

Step 1. Submit Your Site Registration

Before the Site Registration Due Date

Submit your Site Registration Form accurately and fully. Your department will review and notify you if it’s approved.

A Practicum agreement will be sent to the site for the supervisor’s signature.

Step 2. Enroll in the Practicum Class

During your enrollment window

Enrollment in PH195W is authorization only. Students must submit their site registration by the deadline to be eligible to receive approval to enroll. Following the deadline we will review all submissions and then reach out to students via email to provide additional enrollment information. All students are held to the enrollment deadline. Late submissions will be placed on a wait-list and are not guaranteed a spot in the class.

For questions please contact the community engagement manager at

Step 3: Schedule your start date and regular hours

Prior to the beginning of the quarter, discuss with your supervisor when you will begin, when during the week you will work, and how you will complete 100 hours during the quarter. You should begin your hours on the first day of instruction since hours worked prior to this day will not count. Be sure to discuss with your supervisor the method you will use to track your hours.

Schedule your practicum hours around your classes (lecture and discussion). Working at your site does not excuse you from PUBHLTH 195W lectures or discussions.

Templates to keep a personal log of your hours can be downloaded here. Please note the timesheet/log DOES NOT need to be turned into the Community Engagement Manager but should be kept with the student’s own records.

Practicum Timesheet Template Practicum Internship Hours: Log Form
Step 4: Attend PUBHLTH 195W and complete all the assigned work

Your Practicum grade is based on your classwork. Attending lecture and discussion and submitting all assignments on time are essential to earning a good grade. The most recent syllabus can be downloaded here.

Download Syllabus
Step 5: Final Evaluation

At the end of the quarter, an evaluation will be emailed to your supervisor. Be sure to discuss the completion of your hours with your supervisor on or before the last day of your practicum. When the evaluation is completed, you will automatically receive a PDF copy via email.

Important Dates

ACTION ITEMFall 2025Winter 2025Spring 2025Summer 2025
Practicum Site Registration DueMay 12Nov 12Feb 14April 18
Practicum Placement PeriodSep 25 – Dec 5Jan 2 – Mar 14Mar 26 – Jun 6Jun 23 – Aug 28
Practicum Internship Hours Completed ByDec 5Mar 14Jun 6 Aug 28
* All students are held to the enrollment deadline. Late submissions will be placed on a wait-list and are not guaranteed a spot in the class. 

* Spring 2025 Practicum: We are currently at capacity for the course and the waitlist.

Important Information

Please note: You will be dropped from PH 195W if you do not complete a Site Registration form on or before the specified deadline, if you have not been officially offered a position at an approved internship site, if you are not of upper division standing, and/or if the class is full since priority is given to graduating seniors with a graduation application on file.

If your first-choice sites are no longer accepting interns, it is still your responsibility to meet the Practicum Enrollment deadline specified on the website. Some sites may require a background check, so be prepared by applying early.

For all practicum related questions, please email or schedule a meeting with the community engagement manager.