Dr. Luohua Jiang to serve as the 2021-2023 DECADE Mentor for Public Health


Dr. Luohua Jiang, an associate professor of epidemiology and biostatistics, has been chosen to serve as the Program in Public Health’s DECADE (Diverse Educational Community & Doctoral Experience) mentor for the next two academic years (2021-2023). In this capacity, Dr. Jiang will work closely with the Program’s graduate students and Equity Advisor, Sora Tanjasiri, to promote an inclusive and diverse graduate student body and culture.

“To serve this role, my goal is to assist and advocate an inclusive culture and environment that can facilitate identifying, recruiting, training, and retaining an inclusive and diverse public health student body.”

– Luohua Jiang, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics

Dr. Jiang has been with UCI since 2014, and her current research focuses on conducting secondary data analyses of intervention projects and electronic health record data using comparative effectiveness methods, multilevel models, and latent variable modeling. In the past, she has provided statistical leadership and consulting to multiple federally funded studies aimed at reducing health disparities through community-based chronic disease prevention interventions designed for underserved populations. She earned a PhD in biostatistics from UCLA and her MD from the Peking University Health Science Center.

Thank you for to Dr. Jiang’s predecessor, David Timberlake, PhD, who served as the Program’s previous DECADE Mentor.