Guide to Undergraduate Practicum

Spring 2025 Enrollment:

We are not accepting late submissions for Spring 2025 Practicum. We are currently at capacity for the course and the waitlist. The deadline for the Site Registration form for Summer 2025 (10-week session) has been extended to Friday, April 18th.

Authorization Codes to enroll into PubHlth 195W will be sent out on Friday, March 14 to all students who meet the course prerequisites. We are currently working through verifying prerequisites for students who submitted their Site Registration form by the February 14th Spring deadline.

Prerequisites and Enrollment

  • Public Health 1 and 2
  • Completion of lower-division Writing
  • Attended at least one practicum workshop
  • Upper-division standing
  • Public Health majors only
  • Approved practicum internship

* Please note senior standing students who meet all prerequisites on time and have a graduation application on file will receive priority.


The Public Health Practicum, or PUBHLTH 195W, is the required capstone course for both Public Health Policy and Public Health Science majors. It is an 8-unit course, double that of a typical class and in turn has two entwined purposes.

The first is to provide an opportunity to work in the community at agencies, non-profits, or laboratories dedicated to public health practice. Students gain practical work experience during the internship, and classwork helps them to analyze the relationships of coursework, discipline-specific paradigms, and the work environment.

This work also serves the second purpose of the class: to understand and practice public health communication strategies through the production of three different writing projects. This course fulfills UCI’s upper division writing requirement, which is focused on practicing, through drafting and revision, the writing of your discipline.

All students are required to spend a minimum of 100 hours during the practicum quarter working with one of the approved sites in our online catalog. Students will apply to and interview with one of these sites, which have all agreed to accept, train, and supervise Wen Public Health students in the ongoing activities of the organization. (Students must choose a placement site listed in the practicum catalog.) This work then becomes the basis for the assignments in the class, which include three papers and a video presentation.

If this sounds like a large time commitment and workload, it is! We encourage students to take care when planning their practicum quarters. It’s never too early to develop time management skills.

Steps and Timeline

Step 1. Research & Prepare

Two quarters prior to enrolling in the practicum course:

  • Research potential internship sites by viewing the Practicum Sites (UCInetID login required)
  • Begin selecting sites that are closely related to your academic and professional goals.
  • Prepare a resume and cover letter.
  • Career Resources
  • Visit the Division of Career Pathways (DCP) for assistance on your resume & interviewing skills.
Step 2. Apply to Sites

Six to eight weeks before the Site Registration due date:

  • Contact at least 5-10 Practicum sites listed.
  • Apply to each site individually following the “How to Apply” section of each individual listing.
  • Begin interviewing with sites that have contacted you.
  • Must receive offer of placement from site prior to registration.
Step 3. Finalize Your Site

Two weeks before the Site Registration due date:

  • Accept an offer from one site. Inform any other sites of your decision.
  • Confirm the placement dates with the supervisor at the site.
  • Notify supervisor of all course (lecture and discussion) times.
  • Talk with your supervisor and make sure you understand what you will be doing at the site.

Important Dates

ACTION ITEMFall 2025Winter 2025Spring 2025Summer 2025
Practicum Site Registration DueMay 12Nov 12Feb 14April 18
Practicum Placement PeriodSep 25 – Dec 5Jan 2 – Mar 14Mar 26 – Jun 6Jun 23 – Aug 28
Practicum Internship Hours Completed ByDec 5Mar 14Jun 6 Aug 28
* All students are held to the enrollment deadline. Late submissions will be placed on a wait-list and are not guaranteed a spot in the class. 
* Spring 2025 Practicum: We are currently at capacity for the course and the waitlist.

Important Information

Please note: You will be dropped from PH 195W if you do not complete a Site Registration form on or before the specified deadline, if you have not been officially offered a position at an approved internship site, if you are not of upper division standing, and/or if the class is full since priority is given to graduating seniors with a graduation application on file.

If your first-choice sites are no longer accepting interns, it is still your responsibility to meet the Practicum Enrollment deadline specified on the website. Some sites may require a background check, so be prepared by applying early.

For all practicum related questions, please email or schedule a meeting with the community engagement manager.