Certificate in College Population Health Promotion and Wellness


The Certificate in College Population Health Promotion and Wellness, a collaboration with the UCI Center for Student Wellness & Health Promotion is designed to educate undergraduate students in college health promotion principles and practices. College campus and universities are unique environments where health and wellness are critical factors influencing a students’ academic success, as well as their social, emotional, and physical experiences.

For most students this is their first time away from home and they are exposed to many new pressures and responsibilities like rigorous academics, access to alcohol and other drugs, sexual and relationship issues, and balancing academics with work and their social lives. In the 2017 National College Health Assessment (NCHA), college students reported lower academic success related to stress, lack of sleep, and depression/anxiety demonstrating a strong need for students to learn how to take care of themselves and others, and to learn how to handle stress and manage their time. 

This certificate can offer specialized training to help students navigate the college environment, increase academic success, and personal health and wellness, all while being able to educate others to incorporate health and wellness into their own lives.

Learning Outcomes for the Certificate

  • Work in health promotion in a college setting
  • Understand health & wellness needs of college students
  • Understand college health promotion principles and practices
  • Understand how to facilitate health education and promotion workshops/presentations
  • Assess mental wellness of the campus community and recognize the lifestyle risk factors
  • Apply health promotional techniques for mental wellness

Time to Degree

The Certificate in College Population Health Promotion and Wellness requires students to complete five (5) courses in college health related studies, participate in two mandatory trainings, and attend three (3) workshops on a variety of health topics. In addition, students will be required to shadow a professional staff member for four (4) hours from the Center for Student Wellness & Health Promotion. Students will be presented with their Certificate prior to graduation in the Undergraduate Honors Program.

Career Opportunities

All college students interested in health and wellness, specifically students in Public Health Science, Public Health Policy, Sociology, Psychology, Nursing, and Psychology and Social Behavior. All members of Public Health Association (PHA) and also students who would like to know more about public health, public health promotion and intervention, public health consultations, public health communication, public health policy, community health, health literacy, nutrition, physical activity, stress reduction, disease prevention, environmental health and culture.