The purpose of the Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award program is to enable promising predoctoral students with potential to develop into a productive, independent research scientist, to obtain mentored research training while conducting dissertation research. The NIH’s F31 funding mechanism is also used to enhance workforce diversity though a separate program.
NIH currently has two NRSA F31 programs available, the Parent F31 and the Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research. The Diversity F31 has additional eligibility requirements, and applicants must come from diverse background. Information on what qualifies for this requirement can be found here.
Available F31 Fellowship to Promote Diversity Opportunities
Important First Steps:
The Program in Public Health (PPH) can assist you in the development and submission of your proposal. It is important to give yourself enough time to plan a successful proposal. It is recommended to start your proposal 3-4 months ahead of the deadline.
Once you decide you would like to submit an F31, please work with your mentor/sponsor and contact Lauren Nguyen at in the PPH Office of Research. Lauren can provide one-on-one support and connect you with your department analyst who will work with you to complete and submit your application.
Please note: You cannot complete or submit your application yourself. Your department analyst will work directly with you and UCI’s Office of Research to complete and submit your application to NIH. You will also need an eRA Commons and ORCID account to submit your application. If you do not have these accounts PPH can assist with setting one up.
Understanding the Review Process:
The NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR) checks your application for administrative and formatting requirements. CSR also assigns the application to an NIH Institute or Center (IC) and a review group.
- First Level of Review: Your application’s most significant test is initial peer review. Scientific Review Group (SRG; also referred to as study sections) are scientists, mostly from academia. Given that they must provide objective, fair, and timely reviews free from inappropriate influences, they are fully vetted for potential conflicts of interest, appropriate expertise requirements, and other requirements based on NIH peer review policies. You have the choice to suggest IC assignments and/or study sections that you would like to review your application. More information can be found here.
- Second Level of Review: is performed by Institute and Center (IC) National Advisory Councils or Boards. Councils are composed of both scientific and public representatives chosen for their expertise, interest, or activity in matters related to health and disease.
Please note: Only applications that are recommended for approval by both the SRG and the Advisory Council may be recommended for funding. Final funding decisions are made by the IC Directors.
You can find more information on the review process here.
You can view NIH success rate here.
Other Resources:
You can view a list of current F31s on campus here. You can also search NIH Matchmaker to see what other projects have been funded.
PPH can share copies of successful applications and connect you with awardees for their advice.
Writing consultants at the Graduate and Postdoctoral Scholar Resource Center are available to help students to polish their writing by providing comments and suggestions on grammar and clarity. Due to high demand, students are strongly encouraged to make an appointment by calling 949-824-3849.