
Jun Wu
National Geographic, July 2, 2024

The hidden toll of July Fourth fireworks

"L.A. has less stringent policies regarding bigger fireworks shows and purchases by residents. A lot of the fireworks displays typically happen in the bigger cities, especially along coastal communities, and lower income [minority] communities typically are closer to those ports." (Jun Wu)
Jun Wu
TIME, June 27, 2024

The Health Risks of Fireworks

"What level of exposure you get depends on your activity levels—for instance, whether you’re outdoors—and, if you’re indoors, how leaky your house is. If you have to go outside, wearing a [N95] mask would be good." (Jun Wu)
Jun Wu
VerywellHealth, June 11, 2024

What Extreme Heat Does to Your Brain

"Cooling shelters are extremely limited in availability, and not everyone can get easy access to them. Also, the locations are not distributed in the population where they need the cooling centers the most. The operation hours may not be ideal. For instance, they use libraries and senior centers, and the hours are limited—they exist in the operation hours of these facilities." (Jun Wu)
Jun Wu
Yahoo!News, March 30, 2024

Toxic air linked to low-weight and pre-term births

"There haven’t been many studies that look at industrial emissions and pregnancy outcomes in this area, where there are also higher Black populations. Air toxins also have been shown to be related to increased risk of birth defects, but the data for the birth defects are harder to get." (Jun Wu)
Jun Wu
The 19th, March 14, 2024

Louisiana’s toxic air is linked to low-weight and pre-term births

"There haven’t been many studies that look at industrial emissions and pregnancy outcomes in this area, where there are also higher Black populations. Air toxins also have been shown to be related to increased risk of birth defects, but the data for the birth defects are harder to get." (Jun Wu)
Jun Wu
One Health Trust, February 13, 2024

Air Pollution, Depression, and Pregnancy

""Mothers with postpartum depression have a higher risk of suicide and of harming their babies. Babies of mothers with postpartum depression themselves risk emotional and cognitive damage."" (Jun Wu)
Jun Wu
Environmental Health News, February 1, 2024

Understanding how the environment affects pregnant people’s health

"It is challenging to study postpartum depression because new parents don't always seek help due to stress, shame, a lack of knowledge and prioritizing their babies over themselves, so the condition, which affects 10-20% of people after giving birth up to three years postpartum, often goes under-diagnosed." (Jun Wu)
Jun Wu
Popsugar, January 26, 2024

Should I Be Worried About Lead in My Stanley Cup?

"Most vacuum-insulated reusable water bottles use lead soldering because it's the easiest and cheapest method. That said, the lead solder is completely enclosed by stainless steel and should not come in contact with your drink, the risk of lead exposure is really low unless the protective cover is missing or impaired." (Jun Wu)