
NPR, September 19, 2024

Ukraine keeps up the fight against HIV while fighting a war

"Ukraine has always been, I believe, at the forefront of HIV prevention. These initiatives, which helped find undiagnosed people and link them to care, were tested in Ukraine and have since been adopted by many countries in Southeast Asia and Africa." (Tetyana Vasylyeva)
El Pais, May 15, 2024

Closure of US-Mexico border during Covid pandemic increased HIV transmission

"According to the results, the increase in transmission occurred just when the border was closed. Restricting passage without other measures to stop clandestine activities did not work as a public health strategy. Efforts to build a higher wall or policies to stop immigration do not mitigate the spread of HIV." (Tetyana Vasylyeva)
Candid, May 9, 2024

Study: HIV Cases Along Border Spiked During COVID-19 Pandemic; COVID-19 US/Mexico Border Closure Boosts HIV Transmission, and other C-Virus related stories

"When border restrictions were in place during the COVID-19 pandemic, HIV transmissions in Tijuana and San Diego went up. The study concluded that people who were crossing the border were moving COVID-19 and HIV back and forth between the two countries.This shows that efforts to build a higher wall or policies to stop immigration will not mitigate HIV spread" (Tetyana Vasylyeva)
Medical Xpress, May 1, 2024

Closing the US/Mexico border during COVID-19 increased HIV transmission, study finds

"If two or three people have viruses that are very similar to each other, we can assume that the transmission event happened more recently, because there is not enough evolution between these different viruses from these different people. This shows that efforts to build a higher wall or policies to stop immigration will not mitigate HIV spread. The Frontera [border] is one integrated community that is not defined by place of residence. Efforts to end the HIV epidemic in the U.S. also need to be integrated by extending to Tijuana. These findings confirm that HIV has no passport." (Tetyana Vasylyeva)