
Dylan Roby
Forbes, June 6, 2022

People Living In Pro-Trump Counties More Likely To Die From Covid, Study Finds

"Senior author Dylan Roby, an associate professor of health, society and behavior at the University of California, Irvine, suggested the county-level voting patterns likely mirrored compliance with protective measures introduced to help curb the pandemic such as mask mandates and getting vaccinated." (Dylan Roby)
Healthline, January 29, 2022

California’s Single Payer Healthcare Proposal: What to Know

"Quite a few issues would have to work out given the integrated healthcare providers — like Kaiser Permanente’s medical group and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals — that represent a large part of the healthcare providers in California" (Dylan Roby)
healthline, January 17, 2022

Critics Detail Concerns Over Florida’s New ‘High Value’ COVID-19 Testing System

"The benefit to Florida in the short term is that they will be able to maintain some testing with a limited number of tests and supplies, and if they can guarantee certain high risk groups have an easier time to get tested, they should be able to quickly get them into treatment and prevent death and disability," (Dylan Roby)
healthline, January 11, 2022

Critics Detail Concerns Over Florida’s New ‘High Value’ COVID-19 Testing System

"The benefit to Florida in the short term is that they will be able to maintain some testing with a limited number of tests and supplies, and if they can guarantee certain high risk groups have an easier time to get tested, they should be able to quickly get them into treatment and prevent death and disability," (Dylan Roby)