
Yumlish, April 25, 2024

Addressing Health Disaparities

"And I think it really comes down to a lot of times our context, that simply making or recommendations for swaps or additions to foods might not always be the best place to go. I think back often to something called the transtheoretical model where the Stages of Change, oftentimes, we're not really looking to immediately kind of change our diets. And that's where most people are kind of starting. " (Matthew Landry)
Black Enterprise , February 7, 2024

New Study Shows Black People Lose Sleep Over Police Killing Unarmed Black People

"However, higher incomes, having a college degree, and living in neighborhoods with more resources [don’t] necessarily protect African Americans from poor sleep quality because they are still subjected to stressors linked to law enforcement, racism, work environments, families, and neighborhoods regardless of socioeconomic status. Racism rather than race is a marker of risk for sleep problems." (Karen Lincoln)
The New York Times, February 5, 2024

After Police Kill Unarmed Black People, Sleep Worsens — but Only for Black People

"Black people in the United States are more likely than white people to report that they do not sleep much, research shows. On average, they live in louder neighborhoods, work longer hours and pick up more late-night shifts — concerning to public health experts, since sleep deprivation is linked to chronic health issues and early death." (Karen Lincoln)
Medium, March 29, 2023

Inspirational Black Men and Women in Medicine: Dr Karen D Lincoln of UCI Public Health On 5 Things You Need To Create A Successful Career In Medicine

"These things are socially patterned, with many Black students being penalized for behaviors that are misunderstood, unnecessarily elevated to a heightened level of concern, that might be related to environmental factors or stressors, or that can be addressed in less punitive ways. If we want to solve the diversity problem, we only have to look as far as our public school system. These same issues occur in private schools as well." (Karen Lincoln)
Medical News Today, March 24, 2023

Eye surgery: Why outcomes are less successful for Black, Hispanic patients after retinal detachment procedure

"One factor that might explain racial differences in vision results is related to access to vision care for minority populations across the lifespan. Under-diagnosis and under-treatment in the form of fewer ocular diagnoses, less access to and utilization of vision care, and lower rates of follow-up care contribute to observed racial and ethnic differences in treatment outcomes. The ability to afford glasses is linked to socioeconomic status and, unfortunately, many families have to make difficult choices about how to use limited resources." (Karen Lincoln)
Andrew Noymer
Mercury News, February 9, 2023

COVID vaccines remain optional at K-12 schools. Will colleges keep requiring them?

"Mandates are harder to justify for vaccines that don’t stop spread of the virus, especially for young healthy college students at low risk from COVID-19, which mostly afflicts the elderly. We know people who are vaccinated can still spread it. Carrots are better than sticks. There are unintended consequences when people are too draconian, telling a student you can’t register for classes if you’re not vaccinated." (Andrew Noymer)