"H5N1 infections may cause typical flu-like symptoms, including fever, headache, and muscle aches. As a result, people might not seek care or get tested. " (Oladele Ogunseitan)
"The city did not say that contamination of homes did not happen. It's just saying months after the event, there's no new contamination found in households that volunteered to participate in the sampling. But that's a fine detail that may not appeal to somebody who still feels vulnerable." (Oladele Ogunseitan)
"Increasingly, researchers are recognizing the benefits of protecting the human gut microbiome, particularly because its integrity and diversity is linked to metabolic influences on mental health and physical health conditions. " (Oladele Ogunseitan)
"Increasingly, researchers are recognizing the benefits of protecting the human gut microbiome, particularly because its integrity and diversity is linked to metabolic influences on mental health and physical health conditions." (Oladele A. Ogunseitan)
"Given that the virus can be present in chicken and cows, there’s a potential—albeit unlikely potential—for exposure to bird flu through raw milk or eggs. It’s not responsible to say absolutely that bird flu cannot be transmitted through food. All foods from bird sources should be cooked properly." (Dele Ogunseitan)
"There’s no known safe level of exposure to asbestos, and if someone tests their home and finds asbestos, they should be worried and try to remediate. If somebody is right by the hangar when the fires started, and they stayed there, I would call that Zone 0. They are right there breathing it in. They don’t have protection. And as you move further away from the fires, then it depends on where the wind blows." (Oladele Ogunseitan)
"It is unlikely that the progression of avian flu outbreaks in the bird population is related to COVID-19. However, as the coronavirus lockdown was ending worldwide, human encounters with bird populations were increasing, and that could have led to a higher incidence of bird flu in humans." (Dele Ogunseitan)
"The vast majority of patients with acute HMPV infection are children and will have the most common upper respiratory symptoms; runny nose, cough, fever. Occasionally, you can see pink eye from HMPV." (Dele Ogunseitan)
"Many viruses that infect humans to cause respiratory diseases similar to the common cold may surge in recent months because most parts of the world went through a hibernation (lock-down) for the past two years, and many of these viruses did not circulate in the population." (Dele Ogunseitan)
"Most parts of the world went through a hibernation (or lock-down) for the past two years, and many of these viruses did not circulate in the population." (Dele Ogunseitan)