Mental Health

Bernadette Boden-Albala
Orange Coast Magazine, March 1, 2024

Power of Women at UC Irvine

"I spent most of my research life working in underserved communities and trying to understand how different communities experience disease.Why is it that different race-ethnic groups and gender groups experience disease differently? Not just describing those differences, but as of the last 10 years, trying to think about ways that we can intervene. So all of my work is around health equity and disparities and stroke." (Bernadette Boden-Albala)
Jun Wu
One Health Trust, February 13, 2024

Air Pollution, Depression, and Pregnancy

""Mothers with postpartum depression have a higher risk of suicide and of harming their babies. Babies of mothers with postpartum depression themselves risk emotional and cognitive damage."" (Jun Wu)
Black Enterprise , February 7, 2024

New Study Shows Black People Lose Sleep Over Police Killing Unarmed Black People

"However, higher incomes, having a college degree, and living in neighborhoods with more resources [don’t] necessarily protect African Americans from poor sleep quality because they are still subjected to stressors linked to law enforcement, racism, work environments, families, and neighborhoods regardless of socioeconomic status. Racism rather than race is a marker of risk for sleep problems." (Karen Lincoln)
The New York Times, February 5, 2024

After Police Kill Unarmed Black People, Sleep Worsens — but Only for Black People

"Black people in the United States are more likely than white people to report that they do not sleep much, research shows. On average, they live in louder neighborhoods, work longer hours and pick up more late-night shifts — concerning to public health experts, since sleep deprivation is linked to chronic health issues and early death." (Karen Lincoln)
Forbes, January 23, 2024

Older Adults Embracing Technology, AARP Reports

"Many older adults residing in rural areas have less access to technology than those residing in urban and suburban areas. Affordability is another issue for some older adults. " (Karen Lincoln)
Bernadette Boden-Albala
Forbes, January 17, 2024

In Pursuit Of Longevity And Reshaping Equity In The Endgame

"Our resolution for the new year should continue to be on improving individual health and wellbeing but with an awareness that we must break down the barriers that lie in our way of pursuing optimal population health, wellbeing, and longevity." (Bernadette Boden-Albala)
AARP, January 11, 2024

Is Mushroom Coffee Good for You?

"Since mushroom coffee blends ground coffee beans with caffeine-free mushroom powder, it contains less caffeine than regular coffee...reduced caffeine levels mean less jittery feelings, especially as we age. Unfortunately, the hype around mushroom coffee has outpaced the research. " (Matthew Landry)
Dana Mukamel
Futurity, January 9, 2024

Just adding nursing home staff won’t ensure quality dementia care

"We wanted to understand the association of staffing hours with care quality and compare the health outcomes in nursing homes with high- and low-dementia populations. We found that registered nurses’ and certified nurse assistants’ staffing hours per resident-day were likely to improve outcomes for both high- and low-census dementia facilities but that simply increasing staff is not likely to be a solution." (Dana Mukamel)