Maternal & Child Health

Jun Wu
The Good Men Project, March 23, 2023

Trees, Green Space May Lower Postpartum Depression Risk

"We were able to show a reduced risk of postpartum depression associated with eye-level exposure to green space on the streets of the neighborhood, and that reduction was further mediated by physical activity." (Jun Wu)
Jun Wu
Futurity, March 6, 2023

Trees, Green Space May Lower Postpartum Depression Risk

"We were able to show a reduced risk of postpartum depression associated with eye-level exposure to green space on the streets of the neighborhood, and that reduction was further mediated by physical activity." (Jun Wu)
Medical News Today, February 17, 2023

Where is Alzheimer’s research headed to and why?

"One of the biggest challenges to advancing the development of treatments for Alzheimer’s disease has been in identifying, recruiting, and retaining the appropriate patients." (Bruce Albala)
Suellen Hopfer
Healthline, February 8, 2023

Giving Whooping Cough Shots in Pregnancy Helps Protect 9 Out of 10 Infants

"The most credible and obvious and straightforward channels are the pediatricians and physicians, but I think we just need to do a better job at disseminating and prioritizing this information through pharmacies. through social media…to reach young moms, as well as radio in multiple languages." (Suellen Hopfer)