Maternal & Child Health

Jun Wu
The 19th, March 14, 2024

Louisiana’s toxic air is linked to low-weight and pre-term births

"There haven’t been many studies that look at industrial emissions and pregnancy outcomes in this area, where there are also higher Black populations. Air toxins also have been shown to be related to increased risk of birth defects, but the data for the birth defects are harder to get." (Jun Wu)
Jun Wu
One Health Trust, February 13, 2024

Air Pollution, Depression, and Pregnancy

""Mothers with postpartum depression have a higher risk of suicide and of harming their babies. Babies of mothers with postpartum depression themselves risk emotional and cognitive damage."" (Jun Wu)
Jun Wu
Environmental Health News, February 1, 2024

Understanding how the environment affects pregnant people’s health

"It is challenging to study postpartum depression because new parents don't always seek help due to stress, shame, a lack of knowledge and prioritizing their babies over themselves, so the condition, which affects 10-20% of people after giving birth up to three years postpartum, often goes under-diagnosed." (Jun Wu)
Health, November 20, 2023

Prevent Dementia By Addressing These Risk Factors

"If you’re dealing with violence or crime or noise or any other types of social problems in your neighborhood, or in your community, or because you’re Black, it creates this stress reactivity that leads to a lot of dysregulation just being able to fall asleep. " (Karen Lincoln)
Jun Wu
Futurity, November 1, 2023

Air pollution exposure linked to postpartum depression risk

"Postpartum depression is a major public health problem...due to increased susceptibility of mothers during the antepartum and postpartum periods, identifying modifiable environmental risk factors is important, as it can support future intervention studies on reducing the rate of PPD." (Jun Wu)
Kristina Uban
Verywell Mind, May 23, 2023

Understanding Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Its Impact on Mental Health

"Emotional challenges often manifest in young children with an FASD as being frequently inconsolable (such as a temper tantrum), high-sensitivity to the emotions of those around them, and often hyperactivity that can be challenging for caregivers and teachers to navigate." (Kristina Uban)
Jun Wu
Spectrum News 1, May 1, 2023

Study links urban forestry to postpartum depression

"Even though Wu could not establish a causation between trees and postpartum depression, her findings, if correct, identify a clear indicator. More trees mean better mental health for mothers." (Jun Wu)