"An important environmental factor is that we’ve lost mask mandates and we’re doing so much indoors again these days – at full capacity," (Alana Lebron)
"In 2018, OCEJ partnered with the University of California-Irvine (UCI) to conduct a thorough study of soil contamination in Santa Ana. " (Jun Wu, Shahir Masari, Alana Lebron)
"What keeps me hopeful is that so much is happening outside of the academy—the work that local health equity leaders are really innovating on. They’re the folks who are connected on the ground, who are visionaries. The other thing that keeps me hopeful are the students who I have the pleasure of working with on research projects. They often identify as coming from communities where there are mostly low-income residents of color, and they’re committed to strengthening their understanding of factors that shape health inequities and returning to their communities, or communities similar to theirs, to really be part of the sea of change in this area." (Alana LeBron)
"The project’s dominant lens is COVID. That being said, the pandemic is the perfect sort of illustration of the realities that you can’t separate COVID from other health issues and other social issues" (Alana Lebron)
"In 2020, it released a study, led by a team of researchers at the University of California, Irvine, that analyzed more than 1,500 soil samples collected throughout the city." (Jun Wu, Alana Lebron, Shahir Masiri)