Health Equity

UCI News, September 19, 2024

Who Wants to Be a Study Subject

"These are areas that are important to Black people. Issues around trust, research, brain health, relationships and racial discrimination are things people care about; it’s not random. It signals that we know these things are important and helps engage our study participants." (Karen Lincoln)
Andrew Noymer
The Orange Country Register, September 16, 2024

Polio? Mumps? Chicken pox? Many SoCal kids lack required vaccinations

"COVID shots — as well as flu —are not required for public school attendance. The must-do list targets contagious illnesses such as diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis; polio; Hepatitis B; measles, mumps and rubella; and varicella (chickenpox). Many of those require a series of shots, timed for maximum effect, over weeks or months." (Andrew Noymer)
Michael Kleinman
ASBMB Today, September 14, 2024

At the Salton Sea, uncovering the culprit of lung disease

"The Salton Sea may simply provide a glimpse of the future, as climate change begins to produce new and unexpected health challenges. We are going to see novel things happening. They may have just been the canary in the coal mine on this one. " (Michael Kleinman)
Heart, September 13, 2024

5 ways to rethink what a ‘balanced diet’ means

"Our bodies are really complex systems. So even though fixating on one food might lead to a quick, short-term benefit to one measure, such as weight, that imbalance could be unhealthy in another way, such as raising LDL cholesterol." (Matthew Landry)
Andrew Noymer
The Orange County Register, September 9, 2024

California’s COVID booster rates are dismal as new shot debuts. More sickness ahead?

"During the Delta surge, it was clear COVID was going hell-for-leather. Now we get these surges, and it’s less predictable. Unlike 2020 and some extent 2021, most people have had a COVID vaccine by now...I still believe it reduces severity. I’d advise readers who haven’t gotten any to get on board. You could be saving your own, or someone else’s, Nana." (Andrew Noymer)
University of California, September 5, 2024

You know wildfire smoke is bad for you. But did you know it’s this bad?

"When it clocks pollution particles, your immune system first responds with inflammation, generating heat and bombarding the point of entry with specialized cells meant to attack anything your body recognizes as foreign. Inflammation is good when it fights off viruses and bacteria, but too much of it for too long can also wear down your organs and contribute to chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes." (Masashi Kitazawa)