Environmental & Occupational Hazards

Scott Bartell
NBC 6 South Florida, October 12, 2024

Are forever chemicals in my tap water? For many in South Florida, the answer is yes

"Often legacy PFAS chemicals, including PFOA and PFOS, which have, by the way, been detected in parts of Miami and other parts of Florida in the water that we have the most evidence of that has been studied the longest. They were sort of two of the PFAS that were most highly produced historically before they were phased out of production in the 2000s. But they're still present in water supplies around the country, including Miami." (Scott Bartell)
Health Medicine Network, October 7, 2024

Updated findings provide insights into radiation exposure’s impact on cancer risk

"The study concluded that health risk remains low at low exposure levels. Nevertheless, the evidence of associations between total radiation exposure and multiple myeloma and myelodysplastic syndromes signals the necessity for future radiation studies to expand the discussion on radiation protection and occupational safety measures on a global scale." (David Richardson)
Medical Xpress, October 7, 2024

Updated findings provide insights into radiation exposure’s impact on cancer risk

"Our studies of people exposed to low doses of radiation add to our understanding of radiation risks at the exposure levels encountered in many contemporary settings. Our results can inform radiation protection standards and will provide input for discussions on protections from radiation. " (David Richardson )
Health Imaging, October 7, 2024

Low doses of radiation still increase risk of leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma

"The study provides crucial insights into radiation exposure’s impact on cancer risk. While this study looked specifically at low-dose exposure of employees at nuclear facilities, it has direct correlation to technologists in radiology and staff in interventional radiology and cardiology." (David Richardson)
Andrea De Vizcaya-Ruiz
Everyday Health, October 2, 2024

Are Your Pots and Pans Safe? How to Choose Nontoxic Cookware

"The safest cookware materials in terms of the possible impact on health would be those that do not react with food or ingredients, do not release harmful chemicals, and are durable and easy to clean." (Andrea De Vizcaya Ruiz)
Dylan Roby
LAist, September 26, 2024

California Proposition 35: Extending a tax to fund health care

"You're using that tax to draw down federal dollars that will increase the budget, allow you to pay the plans higher premiums to take care of the Medi-Cal population, and then those plans are supposed to take those premiums and pay better reimbursement, down to the providers and their network,” and that improves health care for low-income residents" (Dylan Roby)
Michael Kleinman
ASBMB Today, September 14, 2024

At the Salton Sea, uncovering the culprit of lung disease

"The Salton Sea may simply provide a glimpse of the future, as climate change begins to produce new and unexpected health challenges. We are going to see novel things happening. They may have just been the canary in the coal mine on this one. " (Michael Kleinman)