Emerging & Infectious Diseases

Medical Xpress, May 1, 2024

Closing the US/Mexico border during COVID-19 increased HIV transmission, study finds

"If two or three people have viruses that are very similar to each other, we can assume that the transmission event happened more recently, because there is not enough evolution between these different viruses from these different people. This shows that efforts to build a higher wall or policies to stop immigration will not mitigate HIV spread. The Frontera [border] is one integrated community that is not defined by place of residence. Efforts to end the HIV epidemic in the U.S. also need to be integrated by extending to Tijuana. These findings confirm that HIV has no passport." (Tetyana Vasylyeva)
Suellen Hopfer
The Orange County Register, April 23, 2024

The true cost of vaccine misinformation: A vulnerable nation

"As a health communications researcher specializing in vaccine hesitancy, the last few years in my field have been paradoxical. Vaccinations played a large part in ushering us into the post-pandemic world, yet a “misinfodemic” against vaccines persists. … recognition of World Immunization Week – taking place annually during the last week of April – I want to highlight the collective action needed to improve vaccine uptake to protect people of all ages." (Suellen Hopfer)
Andrew Noymer
Verywell Health, April 8, 2024

Should You Worry About Rising Mpox Cases?

"The reason for the uptick in cases is unclear. A few factors could be at play: the disease is endemic, identification rates are lower, and vaccination rates have been declining. Mpox tends to stay in social networks rather than the population at large because it requires skin-to-skin contact and not airborne transmission." (Andrew Noymer)
Drugs.com, April 1, 2024

Regional Decolonization Aids Multidrug-Resistant Organism-Related Outcomes

"The success of SHIELD-OC [Shared Healthcare Intervention to Eliminate Life-threatening Dissemination of MDROs in Orange County] in reducing MDRO carriage, infections, hospitalizations, and associated costs and deaths led to a regional NH incentive program supported by CalOptima, the sole Medicaid provider" (Gabrielle M. Gussin)
Dana Mukamel
Medical Xpress, January 8, 2024

High-quality nursing home dementia care is not only a matter of adding staff, says study

"Current studies compare health outcomes of dementia patients receiving specialized care to dementia patients in general care. We wanted to investigate the dynamics of dementia, staffing and health outcomes in nursing homes compared with residents without dementia and embarked on this study to offer insights into this complex, three-way relationship." (Dana Mukamel)
Bernadette Boden-Albala
Men's Health, January 8, 2024

The Most Common Symptoms of the New Covid Variant, JN.1

"It’s not uncommon for people to be dealing with coughing, congestion, and sore throats right now—all of which can signal the flu, common cold, RSV, and, yes, Covid. …These viruses will continue if we don’t encourage up-to-date booster vaccinations and protective measures like masking and staying away from people when feeling sick, masking in an indoor situation with large crowds, and always practicing proper hand washing," (Bernadette Boden-Albala)
Bernadette Boden-Albala
Healthline, January 5, 2024

Flu and RSV Cases are Rising, Here’s When They May Peak

"We should see the peak of flu season these first few weeks of January, given we are coming off of the holiday season. I would like to stress for everyone to stay hydrated and eat nutritious foods because if you can bolster your natural defenses with these activities then your immune system is operating at the highest level to protect you against infectious diseases." (Bernadette Boden-Albala)
Leigh Turner
The Stem Cell Report, November 12, 2023

The Stem Cell Report with Martin Pera: The Selling of Stem Cells

"These predatory clinics offer so-called stem cell therapies to treat myriad conditions with approaches not supported by rigorous scientific evidence. During the pandemic these treatments expanded to include COVID-19, including the use of what’s being advertised as exosome therapy." (Leigh Turner)