Biomedical Science

Medical Xpress, September 4, 2024

Study identifies therapeutic targets for veterans with Gulf War illness

"Notably, veterans with Gulf War illness had a noticeably different mix of gut bacteria, often expressed as Bray-Curtis beta diversity, compared to those without the illness. This mix is important because it has implications for gut, immune and brain health." (Saurabh Chatterjee)
Leigh Turner
WIRED, May 1, 2023

Inside the Secretive Life-Extension Clinic

"The details that have come out have not been reassuring in terms of the credentials and qualifications of clinicians involved, the clinical facilities that people go to, or the protocols that are in place." ( Leigh Turner)
Leigh Turner
BioEdge, April 25, 2023

China’s revised regulation on human genome editing: the good news and the bad news

"Well-defined, carefully crafted regulatory exceptions are often abused and exploited by commercial actors that engage in activities falling outside such narrow exceptions. For financial gain, such entities try to evade regulators and determine what they are able to get away with without suffering significant consequences." (Leigh Turner)
Leigh Turner
Vice, April 17, 2023

Duke Has Quietly Discontinued a Costly, Unproven Autism Treatment

"Are parents who are convinced this is a treatment they want to get for their children going to go to Panama or other jurisdictions? That’s a possibility. But there is also the possibility, It may also reduce the numbers. There may be individuals who aren’t willing to get on a plane to go to Panama. There could be a diminution." (Leigh Turner)
Bernadette Boden-Albala
STAT, February 22, 2023

Tools to predict stroke risk work less well for Black patients, study finds

"The algorithm can only predict as much as the data it is fed so it is not surprising that it is not accurately predicting risk in communities of color. We need a dataset that is more comprehensive that includes variables from structural bias to discrimination to neighborhood pollution." (Bernadette Boden-Albala)
Imaging Technology News, February 21, 2023

Revolutionary X-Ray Innovation Set to Transform Cancer Treatment and Clinical Radiography

"Dr. [Chris] Barty has advanced electron beam technology to the stage that it can provide clinically relevant doses of Very High Energy Electrons (VHEE) exceeding the requireTwo ments of electron FLASH radiotherapy – in an instrument that can fit inside a standard clinical bunker. This remarkable achievement places Lumitron’s technology years ahead of other groups developing high-energy electron irradiators that are more costly and at least five times larger." (Charles Limoli)
Medical News Today, February 17, 2023

Where is Alzheimer’s research headed to and why?

"One of the biggest challenges to advancing the development of treatments for Alzheimer’s disease has been in identifying, recruiting, and retaining the appropriate patients." (Bruce Albala)