JOIN MEETING | Meeting ID: 286 247 060 100 | Passcode: AnUG8x
The Women’s Health Seminar Series on September 30th will focus on Menopause in the Workplace. Dr. Wen Shen and Dr. Bernadette Boden-Albala will discuss the biology of menopause, symptoms, disparities in access to education and medication,
and its impact on women’s health and workplace performance. The panel will explore workplace challenges women face during menopause, such as stigma and lack of support, and share successful strategies and policies to support menopausal women,
including wellness programs and supportive workplace environments.
- Welcome – Denise Miles-Francois
- Presentations by panel members – Dr. Shen & Dr. Boden-Albala
- Moderated – Dr. Candace Rouchon & Ms. Sarah Johanek
Sponsored by DEIA and WOMEN@BARDA