Join CEDHR to celebrate the work of students in a new course designed by Dr. Lincoln called Environmental Health Disparities. Twenty-five graduate students enrolled in the course – representing Public Health, Medicine, Urban Planning and Public Policy – have been working in teams this quarter to solve environmental health problems. Students have created media packages to educate and engage communities most impacted by environmental hazards, and they’ve designed community engagement plans to ensure that affected communities are included in decision-making.
Please join us as five teams showcase their work designed to raise awareness, educate, inspire, and support communities affected by environmental health disparities. Each 10-minute presentation will provide examples of how we can promote the inclusion of minoritized populations in decision-making and offer solutions to address forms of environmental racism. We hope you can attend to support our students who are future environmental justice trailblazers!
Following the presentations, lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to reserve your seat at this special event.