Shahir Fouad Masri, ScD


Associate Specialist in Air Pollution Exposure Assessment & Epidemiology, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health


Dr. Masri is an assistant specialist in air pollution exposure assessment and epidemiology at the UC Irvine Program in Public Health, where he conducts research on air pollution exposure modeling and climate change. 

For more information, view his website, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

Current Projects/Studies

He also frequently engages with local and national media by providing expert commentary on trending issues in environmental health and penning op-eds. Notable coverage includes:


Dr. Masri has doctorate and Master of Science degrees from the Harvard School of Public Health and a bachelor’s from UCLA.


He is the author of dozens of peer-reviewed articles published in the nation’s leading public health journals (e.g., Toxics, Environmental Research, Atmosphere). Examples of his recent work include:
* Two UCI-led studies point to gasoline emissions as the likely source of soil lead contamination in Santa Ana
* Community-led study involving UCI experts finds higher levels of air pollution near Santa Ana’s industrial corridor