Dr. Chatterjee is a human physiologist with specialized training in immunology. After completing his PhD in inflammation biology at Bhabha Atomic Research Center, he pursued his postdoctoral work at NIH’s National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology.
Later he continued his specialized research in chronic liver disease at Duke University’s division of gastroenterology under the K99 portion of his NIH Pathway to Independence Award. He has made significant contributions to the field of host-microbiome interactions with redox biology, neuroimmune pathology, and gut-brain interactions in pro-inflammatory disease processes, including Gulf War illness, chronic multi-symptom illnesses and brain manifestations of liver diseases, drug discovery, and gut-brain directed therapeutics.
In addition to his UCI appointments, he is a research health scientist with Department of Veterans Affairs at the Long Beach VA Medical Center.
Current Projects/Studies
- Gulf War VA Research Opportunity: Participate in a Multisymptomatic Illness Study
- Role of Microbiome (Liver-Gut-Brain Axis) in environment-linked NAFLD: Role of Climate Change Stressors-Harmful Algal Blooms (NIH funding received in 2018)
- Microbiome alterations, gut-brain axis and Gulf War Illness and chronic multi-symptom illness Pathology (DOD funding received in 2018)
- Exploring oxidative stress-epigenome signaling in obesity associated inflammatory liver diseases following environmental toxin and Gulf War and neuroimmune pathology (VA Merit funding received in 2019)
- Exploring the role of pattern recognition receptors (TLRS and NALP3) and Damage Associated Molecular Patterns in toxicity associated nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and neuroinflammation.
- Modulation of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver disease (NAFLD) by alternative medicinal compounds (NIH funding received in 2014 and in 2018)
- Gut-Microbiome-Directed Therapeutics -Clinical Trial (VA Merit funding received in 2021)
For more details, please visit the Lab’s Facebook page.
2006: Ph.D. in Life Sciences (Inflammation Biology) Bhabha Atomic Research Center, University of Mumbai, India
1997: M.Sc. in Physiology (Immunology): University of Calcutta, India
1995: B.Sc. (Honors) in Human Physiology University of Calcutta, India
Honors and Awards
- Society of Toxicology SIG “Outstanding Early Career Toxicologist” Award, 2022
- Invited panelist and speaker at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) on climate change and Health Effects, co-hosted by NIH/NIEHS, February 17th, Philadelphia, 2022
- Invited speaker at the Gulf War Illness Research Advisory Council meeting on progress of Biomarkers and Therapeutics, March 10th 2021; Host Professor Lawrence Steinman, Stanford University, Member, National Academy of Sciences, USA
- Part of the ASPH delegation and speaker at the Symposium on Environmental and Public Health at the Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, China, 2019
- Panelist and plenary speaker at the Gordon Research Conference (Water, Urbanization and Food Security, Hong University and Technology, Honkong, 2019
- VA merit Award, 2019
- Investigator Initiated Research Focus Award, Department of Defense, 2018