The MPH degree with concentrations in Biostatistics, Community Health and Health Equity, Environmental and Occupational Health, Epidemiology, Global Health, or Health Systems and Policy is a 63- or 64-unit degree program taken over five to six quarters. Seven courses must be taken by all students. In addition, students take at least six additional courses in their concentration and either 8 or 12 units of elective courses, depending on the concentration. All courses required for the MPH except the MPH seminar courses and the capstone course must be taken for a letter grade; only grades of B or better represent satisfactory scholarship, as per Irvine Division Senate Regulation 420.
Please note that degree requirements are subject to change. For the most accurate and up-to-date list of requirements, current students should consult with their academic advisor.
Introductory course:
Core competency courses:
MPH Seminar (complete 2 courses):
Capstone course:
Environmental & Occupational Health Concentration Courses:
A. Two Course Statistics Series
Select one: PUBHLTH 207A, PUBHLTH 204A or EPIDEM 204A.
Select one: PUBHLTH 207B, PUBHLTH 204B or EPIDEM 204B
B. Environmental Health Seminar (taken twice: Spring of Year 1 & Fall of Year 2):
C. LIST 1: Environmental/Occupational Epidemiology (Choose 1 from LIST 1 below):
D. LIST 2: Biological Basis for Environmental/Occupational Disease (Choose 1 from LIST 2 below):
E. List 3: Elective Course in Environmental/Occupational Health (Choose 1 from LIST 3 below):
Any course from LIST 1 or LIST 2 not used to satisfy another concentration requirement may be taken in lieu of one of the courses below.
Elective Courses (must complete a minimum of 8 units):
Most graduate level courses (200 series) in public health are approved electives for the M.P.H. Students may petition to meet the elective requirement by substituting other relevant course(s) for any of those on this list. If a course is taken to satisfy another requirement for the M.P.H., it cannot be counted as an elective concurrently:
Course # | Course Name |
EHS 201 | Case Studies in Environmental Toxicology |
EHS 202 | Principles of Environmental Toxicology |
EHS 203 | Occupational Epidemiology |
EHS 204 | Neurotoxicology |
EHS 207 | Experimental Design and Interpretation of Toxicology Studies |
EHS 212 | Inhalation Toxicology |
EHS 290 | Independent Study in Environmental Toxicology |
EHS 297 | Advanced Topics in Occupational Toxicology |
EHS 298 | Seminar in Environmental Health Sciences |
EHS 299 | Research Problems |
EPIDEM 200B | Intermediate Epidemiology |
EPIDEM 200C | Advanced Epidemiologic Methods |
EPIDEM 201 | Cancer Epidemiology |
EPIDEM 204C | Biostatistics III. Advanced Statistical Methods |
EPIDEM 205 | Environmental Epidemiology |
EPIDEM 212 | Methods for Design and Implementation of Epidemiologic Research |
EPIDEM 215 | Introduction to Statistical Genetics |
EPIDEM 232 | Chronic Disease Epidemiology & Prevention |
EPIDEM 244 | Toxic Chemicals in Environment |
EPIDEM 275 | Special Topics in Epidemiology |
EPIDEM 298 | Directed Study in Epidemiology |
EPIDEM 299 | Independent Study in Epidemiology |
PUBHLTH 208 | Advances in Social Epidemiology |
PUBHLTH 209 | Methods of Demographic Analysis |
PUBHLTH 210 | Theory-Driven Secondary Data Analysis |
PUBHLTH 213 | Epidemiology in Global Health |
PUBHLTH 213 | Epidemiology in Global Health |
PUBHLTH 223 | Risk Communication |
PUBHLTH 223 | Risk Communication |
PUBHLTH 242 | Theories of Health Communication |
PUBHLTH 244 | Health Behavior Theory |
PUBHLTH 245 | Health Promotion Planning |
PUBHLTH 246 | Social Research Methods |
PUBHLTH 246 | Social Research Methods |
PUBHLTH 247 | Program Evaluation |
PUBHLTH 248 | Fundamentals of Maternal and Child Health – Programs, Problems, and Policy |
PUBHLTH 251 | Models of Practice and Intervention at the Community Level |
PUBHLTH 269 | Air Pollution, Climate, and Health |
PUBHLTH 275 | Environmental Modeling and Risk Management |
PUBHLTH 277A | Target Organ Toxicology I |
PUBHLTH 277B | Target Organ Toxicology II |
PUBHLTH 278 | Industrial Toxicology |
PUBHLTH 279 | Special Topics in Environmental & Occupational Health |
PUBHLTH 280 | Global Burden of Disease |
PUBHLTH 281 | Infectious Disease Epidemiology |
PUBHLTH 282 | Climate Change and Global Health |
PUBHLTH 283 | Geographic Information Systems for Public Health |
PUBHLTH 286 | Advanced Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Epidemiology |
PUBHLTH 287 | Qualitative Research Methods in Public Health |
PUBHLTH 289 | Special Topics in Global Health and Disease Prevention |
PUBHLTH 290 | Special Topics in Public Health |
PUBHLTH 291A | Seminar: Advances and Challenges in Public Health |
PUBHLTH 291B | Seminar: Advances and Challenges in Public Health |
PUBHLTH 291C | Seminar: Advances and Challenges in Public Health |
PUBHLTH 292 | Ethics and Responsible Conduct of Research in Public Health |
PUBHLTH 293 | Foundations of Clinical and Translational Science |
PUBHLTH 294 | Research Communication in Public Health |
PUBHLTH 297 | Research Design and Proposal Writing |
PUBHLTH 298 | Directed Studies in Public Health |
PUBHLTH 299 | Independent Study in Public Health |