Biostatistics Concentration


The MPH degree with concentrations in Biostatistics, Community Health and Health Equity, Environmental and Occupational Health, Epidemiology, Global Health, or Health Systems and Policy is a 63- or 64-unit degree program taken over five to six quarters. Seven courses must be taken by all students. In addition, students take at least six additional courses in their concentration and either 8 or 12 units of elective courses, depending on the concentration. All courses required for the MPH except the MPH seminar courses and the capstone course must be taken for a letter grade; only grades of B or better represent satisfactory scholarship, as per Irvine Division Senate Regulation 420.

Please note that degree requirements are subject to change. For the most accurate and up-to-date list of requirements, current students should consult with their academic advisor.

Introductory course:

Foundations of Public Health
Explores public health research and practices fundamentals from a multidisciplinary view. Gain core skills for crosscutting approaches essential in public health. Restriction: Graduate students only. Public Health Majors only. College of Health Sciences students only. Master of Public Health Degree students only. Program in Public Health students only.

Core competency courses:

Introduction to Environmental Health Science
Explores environmental health’s role in disease prevention. Studies human-environment interaction, focusing on chemical, physical, and biological agents in community and occupational settings. Covers climate change, environmental justice, children’s health, exposure assessment, and policy for public health improvement. Same as EPIDEM 264, EHS 264. Restriction: Graduate students only. Environ Health Sci and Policy Majors only. Environmental Health Sciences Majors only. Epidemiology Majors only. Public Health Majors only.
Principles of Epidemiology
Fundamental principles of epidemiology, biostatistics, and epidemiological research. Topics include research methods of measuring health problems in populations, disease control and prevention in populations, how epidemiology contributes to knowledge of disease etiology, and biostatistical analysis and interpretation of epidemiologic data. Same as EPIDEM 200A. Restriction: Graduate students only.
Health Policy and Management
Multidisciplinary inquiry into theory and practice concerned with delivery, quantity, costs of health care for individuals and populations. Explores managerial and policy concerns regarding structure, process, outcomes of health services including the costs, financing, organization, outcomes, and accessibility of care. Same as UPPP 243. Restriction: Graduate students only. Public Health Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Urban and Regional Planning Majors have first consideration for enrollment. Master of Public Health Degree students have first consideration for enrollment. Master of Public Policy Degree students have first consideration for enrollment.
Introduction to Community Health
Explores community health roles, applications, and impacts in public health practice. Introduces community organizing, health advocacy, interventions, and strategies for addressing health inequities. Restriction: Graduate students only.

MPH Seminar (complete 1 course): 

Advances and Challenges in Public Health
Forum for exploring recent advances and challenges in all disciplines of public health research and practice. Features case studies exemplifying the integration of core competencies with cross-cutting interdisciplinary themes of public health. Grading Option: Satisfactory/unsatisfactory only. Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times. Restriction: Graduate students only. Concurrent with PUBHLTH 191A.
Advances and Challenges in Public Health
Forum for exploring recent advances and challenges in all disciplines of public health research and practice. Features case studies exemplifying the integration of core competencies with cross-cutting interdisciplinary themes of public health. Grading Option: Satisfactory/unsatisfactory only. Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times. Restriction: Graduate students only. Concurrent with PUBHLTH 191B.
Advances and Challenges in Public Health
Forum for exploring recent advances and challenges in all disciplines of public health research and practice. Features case studies exemplifying the integration of core competencies with cross-cutting interdisciplinary themes of public health. Grading Option: Satisfactory/unsatisfactory only. Repeatability: May be repeated for credit unlimited times. Restriction: Graduate students only. Concurrent with PUBHLTH 191C.

Biostatistics Concentration Courses: 

Statistical Methods for Data Analysis I
Introduction to statistical methods for analyzing data from experiments and surveys. Methods covered include two-sample procedures, analysis of variance, simple and multiple linear regression.
Statistical Methods for Data Analysis II
Introduction to statistical methods for analyzing data from surveys or experiments. Emphasizes application and understanding of methods for categorical data including contingency tables, logistic and Poisson regression, loglinear models.
Statistical Methods for Data Analysis III
Introduction to statistical methods for analyzing longitudinal data from experiments and cohort studies. Topics covered include survival methods for censored time-to-event data, linear mixed models, non-linear mixed effects models, and generalized estimating equations.
Seminar in Statistics
Periodic seminar series covering topics of current research in statistics and its application. Students must take this course for two quarters. (0.5 units each quarter)
Introduction to Probability & Statistics I
Introduction to basic principles of probability and statistical inference. Axiomatic definition of probability, random variables, probability distributions, expectation.
Introduction to Probability & Statistics II
Introduction to basic principles of probability and statistical inference. Point estimation, interval estimating, and testing hypotheses, Bayesian approaches to inference.

Capstone course:

Graduate Practicum and Culminating Experience in Public Health
Provides opportunities for hands-on experience for graduate students at agencies or organizations engaged in public health practice. Students are matched with placement sites based on academic preparation and students’ career goals. The practicum report is integrated into the culminating experience. Prerequisite: PUBHLTH 200 and PUBHLTH 244 and PUBHLTH 222 and PUBHLTH 264 and PUBHLTH 207A. PUBHLTH 200 with a grade of B or better. PUBHLTH 244 with a grade of B or better. PUBHLTH 222 with a grade of B or better. PUBHLTH 264 with a grade of B or better. PUBHLTH 207A with a grade of B or better Grading Option: Satisfactory/unsatisfactory only. Restriction: Graduate students only. Public Health Majors only.

Elective Courses (must complete 12 units):  

Most graduate level courses (200 series) in public health are approved electives for the MPH. Students may petition to meet the elective requirement by substituting other relevant course(s) for any of those on this list. If a course is taken to satisfy another requirement for the MPH, it cannot also be counted as an elective. 

Course #Course Name
EHS 201Case Studies in Environmental Toxicology
EHS 202Principles of Environmental Toxicology
EHS 203Occupational Epidemiology
EHS 204Neurotoxicology
EHS 207Experimental Design and Interpretation of Toxicology Studies
EHS 212Inhalation Toxicology
EHS 290Independent Study in Environmental Toxicology
EHS 297Advanced Topics in Occupational Toxicology
EHS 298Seminar in Environmental Health Sciences
EHS 299Research Problems
EPIDEM 200BIntermediate Epidemiology
EPIDEM 200CAdvanced Epidemiologic Methods
EPIDEM 201Cancer Epidemiology
EPIDEM 204CBiostatistics III. Advanced Statistical Methods
EPIDEM 205Environmental Epidemiology
EPIDEM 212Methods for Design and Implementation of Epidemiologic Research
EPIDEM 215Introduction to Statistical Genetics
EPIDEM 232Chronic Disease Epidemiology & Prevention
EPIDEM 244Toxic Chemicals in Environment
EPIDEM 275Special Topics in Epidemiology
EPIDEM 298Directed Study in Epidemiology
EPIDEM 299Independent Study in Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 208Advances in Social Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 209Methods of Demographic Analysis
PUBHLTH 210Theory-Driven Secondary Data Analysis
PUBHLTH 213Epidemiology in Global Health
PUBHLTH 213Epidemiology in Global Health
PUBHLTH 223Risk Communication
PUBHLTH 223Risk Communication
PUBHLTH 242Theories of Health Communication
PUBHLTH 244Health Behavior Theory
PUBHLTH 245Health Promotion Planning
PUBHLTH 246Social Research Methods
PUBHLTH 246Social Research Methods
PUBHLTH 247Program Evaluation
PUBHLTH 248Fundamentals of Maternal and Child Health – Programs, Problems, and Policy
PUBHLTH 251Models of Practice and Intervention at the Community Level
PUBHLTH 269Air Pollution, Climate, and Health
PUBHLTH 275Environmental Modeling and Risk Management
PUBHLTH 277ATarget Organ Toxicology I
PUBHLTH 277BTarget Organ Toxicology II
PUBHLTH 278Industrial Toxicology
PUBHLTH 279Special Topics in Environmental & Occupational Health
PUBHLTH 280Global Burden of Disease
PUBHLTH 281Infectious Disease Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 282Climate Change and Global Health
PUBHLTH 283Geographic Information Systems for Public Health
PUBHLTH 286Advanced Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Epidemiology
PUBHLTH 287Qualitative Research Methods in Public Health
PUBHLTH 289Special Topics in Global Health and Disease Prevention
PUBHLTH 290Special Topics in Public Health
PUBHLTH 291ASeminar: Advances and Challenges in Public Health
PUBHLTH 291BSeminar: Advances and Challenges in Public Health
PUBHLTH 291CSeminar: Advances and Challenges in Public Health
PUBHLTH 292Ethics and Responsible Conduct of Research in Public Health
PUBHLTH 293Foundations of Clinical and Translational Science
PUBHLTH 294Research Communication in Public Health
PUBHLTH 297Research Design and Proposal Writing
PUBHLTH 298Directed Studies in Public Health
PUBHLTH 299Independent Study in Public Health