Councils & Committees

Community Advisory Council

David Altman, MA ’82, PhD ’84

Chief Research and Innovation Officer for the Center for Creative Leadership

Scott Bartell, MS, PhD

Professor of Environmental & Occupational Health

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Wen Public Health

Pooja Bhalla, DNP, RN

Co-Chief Executive Officer, Illumination Foundation

America Bracho, MD, MPH

Executive Director of Latino Health Access

Bernadette Boden-Albala, MPH, DrPH

Founding Dean, Wen Public Health

Monique Daviss

Executive Director, El Sol Science and Arts Academy of Santa Ana

Rufus Edwards, PhD

Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics

Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs, Wen Public Health

Evelyn Gonzalez, MS, RDN

Director Wellbeing, Northgate Gonzalez Markets

Juliana Goswick, BSN

Director of Development, Wen Public Health

Susan Lew


Chang M. Liu

President/CEO, Cathay Bank

Michael Lu, MD, MS, MPH

Dean, UC Berkeley School of Public Health

Sharon McGuire, MA

Assistant Dean/CPO, Wen Public Health

Susan L. Polan, PhD

Associate Executive Director, Public Affairs and Advocacy, American Public Health Association

Marizen Ramirez, MPH, PhD

Professor of Environmental & Occupational Health

Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Wen Public Health

David Richardson, PhD

Professor of Environmental & Occupational Health

Associate Dean of Research, Wen Public Health

Trisha Vo

Executive Director, JP Morgan Private Bank

Lin Zhan, PhD, RN, FAAN

Dean, UCLA School of Nursing

Standing Committees

The committees established by the faculty to participate in shared governance are listed below. Ad-Hoc committees are formed as needed based on recommendations from the Faculty and voted on by the Faculty Council.

Charged with reviewing and recommending to the faculty all matters involving the undergraduate and graduate curricula; functions to review and oversee curricular issues and to make recommendations to the faculty where faculty endorsement by vote is required prior to sending proposals to the Divisional Academic Senate’s Council on Educational Policy or Graduate Council; reviews requests for new courses or modifications in existing courses and course evaluations; and reviews substantial modifications to class sizes, course scheduling, learning objectives, emphasis areas, and guidelines for TAs.

Suellen Hopfer
Suellen Hopfer, MS, PhD
(Chair of Committee) Assistant Professor of Health, Society, & Behavior
Ulrike Luderer
Ulrike Luderer, MD, PhD, MPH
Professor of Environmental & Occupational Health
David Timberlake
David Timberlake, PhD
Associate Professor of Population Health & Disease Prevention
Baolin Wu, PhD
Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics

The faculty council provides a primary means of communication to and with the administration for matters of general concern to the faculty and acts for the faculty on matters delegated by the faculty, including allocation of educational and budgetary resources, academic priorities, and the planning and budgetary process.

Masashi Kitazawa, PhD
(Chair of Committee) Professor of Environmental & Occupational Heatlh
Tim Bruckner
Tim Bruckner, PhD
(Vice Chair of Committee) Professor of Health, Society, & Behavior
Saurabh Chatterjee, Msc, PhD
Professor of Environmental & Occupational Health & Medicine
Joel Milam
Joel Milam, PhD
Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Annie Ro
Annie Ro, PhD
Associate Professor of Health, Society, & Behavior
Guiyun Yan
Guiyun Yan, PhD
Chancellor’s Professor of Population Health & Disease Prevention

Charged with reviewing and recommending to the faculty on all matters relating to the criteria for admission of graduate students, freshmen, and transfer students into the public health degrees; reviews and makes recommendations on minimum standards for students to remain in good standing in the program, as well as on issues related to academic notice, students on contracts, dismissals, and student appeals; and serves as a portal for requests and recommendations for improving student welfare and morale.

Brandy Lipton, PhD
(Chair of Committee) Associate Professor of Health, Society, & Behavior
Zuzanna Bic
Zuzanna Bic, PhD, MD
Professor of Teaching of Population Health & Disease Prevention
Andrew Odegaard
Andrew Odegaard, MPH, PhD
Associate Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Robert Phalen
Robert Phalen, PhD
Professor of Medicine, Environmental & Occupational Health

Assists in developing and reviewing policies and procedures related to faculty and student research; charged with providing advisement and support to the establishment and implementation of research goals; fostering opportunities for interdisciplinary and interprogrammatic research, coordinating the distribution of faculty research resources, and promoting opportunities for success in research productivity, publishing, and funding acquisition; and advise on research space and facilities.

Tim Bruckner
Tim Bruckner, PhD
(Chair of Committee) Professor of Health, Society, & Behavior
Sean Arayasirikul
Sean Arayasirikul, PhD
Associate Professor in Residence of Health, Society, & Behavior
Tetyana Vasylyeva, MSc, MPH, DPhil
Assistant Professor of Population Health and Disease Prevention Co-Director, PhD in Public Health Degree Program Affiliated, Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Michael Kleinman
Michael Kleinman, MS, PhD
Adjunct Professor of Environmental & Occupational Health Co-Director, Air Pollution Health Effects Laboratory
Min Zhang, MD, PhD, MS, PhD
Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics Director of Biostatistics Shared Resource, UCI Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
Margaret Lynn Schneider, PhD
Researcher, Department of Population Health & Disease Prevention

Assists in developing and reviewing policies and procedures related to faculty and student research; charged with providing advisement and support to the establishment and implementation of research goals; fostering opportunities for interdisciplinary and interprogrammatic research, coordinating the distribution of faculty research resources, and promoting opportunities for success in research productivity, publishing, and funding acquisition; and advise on research space and facilities.

Saurabh Chatterjee, MSc, PhD
(Chair of Committee) Professor of Environmental & Occupational Health
Yunxia Lu
Yunixa Lu
Associate Professor of Population Health & Disease Prevention
Min Zhang, MD, PhD, MS, PhD
Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Leigh Turner
Leigh Turner, PhD
Professor of Health, Society, & Behavior

Appointed Committees

Nichole Quick, MD, MPH
Director of the Master of Public Health Program & Practice; Professor of Environmental & Occupational Health
Scott Bartell
Scott Bartell, PhD
Professor of Environmental & Occupational Health; Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
Andrew Odegaard
Andrew Odegaard, PhD
Associate Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics; Director, Graduate Programs in Epidemiology
Andrea De Vizcaya Ruiz, PhD
Professor of Environmental & Occupational Health; Graduate Program Director, Environmental Health Sciences
Louhua Jiang
Luohua Jiang, MD, PhD
Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Brittany Morey
Brittany Morey, PhD
Associate Professor of Health, Society, & Behavior
Dele Ogunseitan, PhD
Distinguished Professor of Population Health & Disease Prevention
Dylan Roby
Dylan Roby, PhD
Chair & Professor of Health, Society, & Behavior
Jennifer Crum
Jennifer Crum, MBA
Senior Graduate Advisor